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I don't want to sound disrespectful, but does this game have any content? At all? I keep getting the same ending and can't find anything that progresses the story.

(1 edit) (+3)

Sorry if things weren't clear enough, the version currently released, which you're playing, is only a small tech demo to just show how the game will look and play. This version, as you said, has pretty much no content at all, because the project's still a work in progress with tons of unfinished content planned and underway work. When this game's version number updates from (V0.0.3), that's when there's a new update.

If you'd like to keep up-to-date with the semi-regular announcements I make, be sure to visit this channel on my Discord server, which you can find here:

TL;DR: This is a work-in-progress still and will have plenty of new content additions when they're finished, such as more endings, locations, and characters.

Hope this cleared things up ^^


ok so the only available ending at the moment is ending 0 yeah? despite there being a couple other endings listed in the endings tab?

(2 edits) (+1)

Yep. They're only teased there because that's all the artworks Usedusername has done so far. They're in the files waiting for development to reach the gameplay areas tied to them, where they can be accessed and achieved. 

If you'd like to see the artwork for the endings though, they can be found in #game-announcements on my server, which you can access here: 


i can live without images more than a bit of the time, i've played more than a couple of html games with little to sparse images in them. i was more so interested in seeing where it leads. like after being turned into a donkey, will it be game over? or will you be able to continue, despite your changes?

(2 edits) (+2)

It would make a really fun scenario where post-ending you'd be able to play as a feral Donk, scouring the facility for anymore survivors to transform, but with the scope of the game in its current form, it'd just be waaay too much to implement sadly.  Though do note that you can be both 10 Infection and 10 Donkey-Brain and still progress through the game, battling your Donk-thoughts and desires in vein attempt at remaining Human mentally, whereas your body is already turned past the point of return.

However, maybe in the next game (or DLC) it'll be more Donk-focused ;3


sweet, looking forward to what comes next.


(1 edit) (+1)

Solid pacing and atmosphere so far! Really love art style and word usage.


Thanks! I'll be sure to try and keep it going at this pace then ^^

Art is all blunkinator, Usedusername & IJN_Kako though, links to be found in the credits on the main menu if you'd like to see more


Thanks so much bud! ^_^